Melosh: Penang v2
Melosh: P5011621
Melosh: yum!!
Melosh: Palace Fish
Melosh: PC289188
Melosh: mmmm!
Melosh: welcome to my desert!
Melosh: sticky rice crackers
Melosh: playing
Melosh: PA043019
Melosh: Pulau Pinang
Melosh: walking in to birds nest
Melosh: buddha & offering
Melosh: peek a boo
Melosh: my front yard
Melosh: monk
Melosh: uncles playing mah jong
Melosh: dance
Melosh: happiness
Melosh: imperfection
Melosh: Becareful with High Heels
Melosh: manda & eds
Melosh: betel nut leaves
Melosh: near the temple
Melosh: looking the other way
Melosh: cat at G's
Melosh: el cortez old