Eminpee Fotography: IMG 5997 Driving to Parliament
Eminpee Fotography: IMG 5999 Just out of the parlimentary precinct
Eminpee Fotography: IMG 6000 The Parliament
Eminpee Fotography: IMG 6001 Setting up for the Franklins arriving shortly
Eminpee Fotography: IMG 6002 Clowns against Gas in Canberra
Eminpee Fotography: IMG 6003 The Knitting Nannas
Eminpee Fotography: IMG 6004 Waiting now
Eminpee Fotography: IMG 6005 Koala Antics on the Lawn in Canberra
Eminpee Fotography: IMG 6005 Koala Territory
Eminpee Fotography: IMG 6006.1 Leards got a Guensey
Eminpee Fotography: IMG 6006 Save Leards Forrest
Eminpee Fotography: IMG 6007 FLAG POLE PARLIAMENT
Eminpee Fotography: IMG 6008 Old Parliament
Eminpee Fotography: IMG 6009 Ladies Creating
Eminpee Fotography: IMG 6010 Ladies Creating
Eminpee Fotography: IMG 6011 Ladies Creating
Eminpee Fotography: IMG 6012 The horses arrive
Eminpee Fotography: IMG 6013 Top Shot of the horses and Riders rounding into the parlimentary apron.
Eminpee Fotography: IMG 6014 There is that Clown again lol!
Eminpee Fotography: IMG 6016 The Nanas at the Big House for the Franklins
Eminpee Fotography: IMG 6017 welcome!
Eminpee Fotography: IMG 6018 Pulling the horses into the protest area
Eminpee Fotography: IMG 6019 Pulling the horses into the protest area
Eminpee Fotography: IMG 6020 "To believe in government is to believe that some people have rights that other people don't possess"
Eminpee Fotography: IMG 6021 Pulling the horses into the protest area
Eminpee Fotography: IMG 6021.1 Donna ... a very special woman among women!