FireDevilPhoto: Bright Eyes Nettleton Woods
FotoGrazio: Haemaphysalis leporispalustris
fotio14: Eiche im Schneefall / Oak tree in snowfall
mike13aug: churchyard bench
alex987854: Jubilee Bench
Dr David Mills: Snowy street
Titole: L'été en pente douce ***--+----°
Jabi Artaraz: Egun ederra dator gaur ere!
FotoGrazio: Prelude to a winter storm event
Lord V: mould in the compost bin #1
Lord V: mould in the compost bin #2
- ArnO -: Waiting On An Angel
Dhina A: dewdrops
Lord V: Ice art #4
Lord V: Ice art #5
Lord V: Ice art #6
Jabi Artaraz: Behorra EXPLORE#2
Jabi Artaraz: Iñaki Aldaminera begiiiiiira
dmilokt: Winter / Зима
dmilokt: Winter / Зима
Susan Dennis: PXL_20220923_194850764
potosi6088m: der Wächter
Grandpa@50: Dragonfly Frontal
Ethos79: Renaissanceviking
sleachim: Fields III
Jim Zenock: _MG_9823_DxO-002
Bob Eade: Black-veined Moth (Siona lineata).
:) Helder Lopes: Butterfly Explore