MelodyM: The Sky at sundown
MelodyM: JD cleans up the attempt to make fire
MelodyM: Kyris helps!
MelodyM: The candles come out
MelodyM: JD uses Kestral to explain what the Solstice is
MelodyM: Mark and Jessica
MelodyM: Candle light all night!
MelodyM: Everyone gets a flame
MelodyM: Happy moments
MelodyM: Kestral practices her candle walk
MelodyM: The men of the clan
MelodyM: Kestral, keeper of the light
MelodyM: Hello litte man!
MelodyM: Kick off your uggs and stay awhile
MelodyM: Todd glows
MelodyM: Prettty and yummy gingerbread
MelodyM: The Bruce / Spruce