Melody Kozmeniuk: the real thing 'photo
Melody Kozmeniuk: Melody-K 'Ray of Light' Ljomi
Melody Kozmeniuk: Sky Dancer
Melody Kozmeniuk: my opening at the Cumberland Gallery Regina Sask
Melody Kozmeniuk: October 4th - 29th 2010
Melody Kozmeniuk: Melody Kozmeniuk Cumberland Gallery Regina
Melody Kozmeniuk: Miles Anderson (portrait of Miles Anderson Saskatchewan Carver)
Melody Kozmeniuk: Son of Bear
Melody Kozmeniuk: #27 Sculptures by Melody Kozmeniuk
Melody Kozmeniuk: Hearts of light ~ Ljomi Icelandic word means a ray of light radiance a bolt of lightning
Melody Kozmeniuk: Ljomi & Kylja
Melody Kozmeniuk: takin this show on the road
Melody Kozmeniuk: October 2010 my Art here :) (C) Melody Kozmeniuk
Melody Kozmeniuk: making a wish :)
Melody Kozmeniuk: MK was here