melody.gates: kidogo mtoto
melody.gates: the rules.
melody.gates: battle to the death.
melody.gates: here he is...
melody.gates: a very old woman
melody.gates: another scared baby...
melody.gates: kickkkk
melody.gates: derek & jairus praying for the babas.
melody.gates: waiting his turn.
melody.gates: 80 kids wanted to play...
melody.gates: spying on us through the grass wall
melody.gates: sea[lake]scape 3
melody.gates: the diagnosis room.
melody.gates: jairus checking patients in.
melody.gates: this baby is 4 months old.
melody.gates: gabe translating for jim.
melody.gates: a family.
melody.gates: derek filming.
melody.gates: filling out the patient history card.
melody.gates: lining up!
melody.gates: _MG_5993
melody.gates: night shot of the pyote
melody.gates: futbol
melody.gates: harold on the beach
melody.gates: _MG_5870
melody.gates: check out that moon!
melody.gates: baby girl in the waiting room
melody.gates: _MG_6041
melody.gates: checking out the ears
melody.gates: mezmorized.