jessshare: Snow day!
jessshare: OK, less eating it, more playing in it.
jessshare: But I can't pick up the snow with my gloves!
jessshare: It tastes like Legionaire's Disease...
jessshare: Snowy morning
jessshare: I ate dirt
jessshare: Snow, snow, snow
jessshare: Al decides to go outside too
jessshare: Goof ball
jessshare: Be grateful, laugh, and burp.
jessshare: Grandma would love this place in May!
jessshare: Portland Rose Garden in the cold
jessshare: Go away! You are NOT Jewish.
jessshare: Latkes. Happy Hanukkah to all our favorites!
jessshare: Everyone gets to play with fire
jessshare: Soren: small shamesh master
jessshare: Celebrating light in the dead of winter
jessshare: Oh, looky, I'm a horse
jessshare: Unicorn Girl
jessshare: Thing 2
jessshare: Thing 1
jessshare: It's so funny when the Hanukkah fairy brings Christmas dresses
jessshare: How instructive
jessshare: Cookie!
jessshare: This will be messier soon
jessshare: Fancier and fancier
jessshare: End scene.
jessshare: Yes, Soren requested The Holiday on tv. And yeah, the ornaments are bottom-heavy!
jessshare: Showing off the tree
jessshare: Do a picture of us posing!