Melly Mewdella: Before (1)
Melly Mewdella: Before (2)
Melly Mewdella: In the Beginning...
Melly Mewdella: A Photo for Dylan's Blackmail File
Melly Mewdella: What is this a Picture of?
Melly Mewdella: Just Grab a Fist Full, and Pull it Out!
Melly Mewdella: Note the fine details in the levels Melissa has cut in the back
Melly Mewdella: Melissa Gets Started at the Back
Melly Mewdella: The Smile Begins to Disappear as More and More Bald Patches are Cut
Melly Mewdella: We Cut Kaan an Ear Hole in his Hair Style
Melly Mewdella: The damage
Melly Mewdella: Kaan is right to look scared
Melly Mewdella: The Mel Gibson Mullet Is Almost Complete!
Melly Mewdella: Mel Gibson..I mean Kaan...i mean Mel Gibson
Melly Mewdella: Side Profile of the Mel Gibson (M)ullet
Melly Mewdella: "Tell me I Look Awesome," Kaan requests