Mellicious: Sharzad's Vabbi armor
Mellicious: Inaya in newest armor
Mellicious: Mila the Ranger
Mellicious: Zaida's armor, recolored again
Mellicious: Delilah in (partly) pink
Mellicious: Sarita with jester hat and candy cane wand
Mellicious: Nightfall load screen
Mellicious: Is it just me or does Varesh have one too many lips?
Mellicious: Mission 2 completed!
Mellicious: Last-minute conquering of Blacktide Den
Mellicious: Margrid, Sharzad & Goren
Mellicious: Nightfall preview map
Mellicious: Sharzad the Dervish
Mellicious: Sharzad the Dervish
Mellicious: Sharzad the Dervish (PvP preview)
Mellicious: Shahrzad the Dervish, version 2
Mellicious: The dervish dance
Mellicious: The dervish dance
Mellicious: The dervish dance
Mellicious: Shahrzad in disguise
Mellicious: New Guild Hall
Mellicious: On the party boat!
Mellicious: Shahrzad & Aelita
Mellicious: Shahrzad & her fancy scythe
Mellicious: Nighfall preview map
Mellicious: a Nightfall quest
Mellicious: I love Koss
Mellicious: Shahrzad - Nightfall preview
Mellicious: Inventory panel for Tahlkora
Mellicious: Inventory panel for Koss