moobelle*: with or without candle
moobelle*: flower balls
moobelle*: base of flower vases
moobelle*: a drop of tear
moobelle*: base of flower vase
moobelle*: Last week the candle factory burned down. Everyone just stood around and sang Happy Birthday.
moobelle*: black chandelier
moobelle*: I don't know if I feel unwanted or forgotten? Either way it still hurts.
moobelle*: refreshment
moobelle*: take a break
moobelle*: Mandarin Oriental Shop, Central Chidlom
moobelle*: Chanel Rough Coco event
moobelle*: little starbucks*
moobelle*: Nerd and multi-exposure mode
moobelle*: 53/365 various bokeh
moobelle*: 83/365
moobelle*: We do not smile because something good has happened; rather something good happens because we smile. :)
moobelle*: Tea is a cup of life.
moobelle*: XMAS IN JANUARY
moobelle*: Without blue, I feel blue.
moobelle*: 晴れやかな笑顔