...*melissa*...: Gone Fishing
...*melissa*...: I'm okay if you get me at a good angle
...*melissa*...: It is well with my soul
...*melissa*...: Faith is taking the first step, even when you don't see the staircase...
...*melissa*...: Miss Nelson is Missing
...*melissa*...: Still I say, there's a way for us
...*melissa*...: Hourglass
...*melissa*...: because i knew you i have been changed for good
...*melissa*...: Rothko found
...*melissa*...: Blindfold
...*melissa*...: there will always be room for your hand in mine
...*melissa*...: Progress
...*melissa*...: Don't go unnoticed
...*melissa*...: Yellow + Blue = Perfection
...*melissa*...: Pinch me
...*melissa*...: Breathing under water
...*melissa*...: Cross my heart
...*melissa*...: Circle gets the square
...*melissa*...: One is the loneliest number...even for pigeons
...*melissa*...: Whatever is pure, whatever is lovely
...*melissa*...: In the end the only things that matter are the ones you learn all by yourself
...*melissa*...: I've got sunshine on a cloudy day
...*melissa*...: Squaring off
...*melissa*...: Bubble-bee-ed
...*melissa*...: Here's hoping