...*melissa*...: It is well with my soul
...*melissa*...: sometimes you're on the other side without knowing it
...*melissa*...: Answer it
...*melissa*...: My salvation lies in your love
...*melissa*...: built for one
...*melissa*...: Oh spirit be the star...
...*melissa*...: Progress
...*melissa*...: Substitutionary atonement
...*melissa*...: Anniversary
...*melissa*...: buildings meet sky
...*melissa*...: Blue Moon
...*melissa*...: Both hands
...*melissa*...: Gone Fishing
...*melissa*...: When you live in a city on a hill you've got to shine your light
...*melissa*...: Excuse me but can I be you for awhile?
...*melissa*...: Holding it together
...*melissa*...: Sometimes you have to break through whatever is holding you back
...*melissa*...: Wax on, wax off
...*melissa*...: Follow me
...*melissa*...: I've got sunshine on a cloudy day
...*melissa*...: Iowa Chucks
...*melissa*...: I make a really bad umbrella, just like I said I would
...*melissa*...: The queen of hearts is always your best bet
...*melissa*...: Seek and you will find
...*melissa*...: Sweet and savory
...*melissa*...: Burried treasure