-*Miss*-: silly Gavin
-*Miss*-: Georgia
-*Miss*-: Playing Blokus
-*Miss*-: Blokus
-*Miss*-: 176. Cousins
-*Miss*-: Through the hoop
-*Miss*-: 170. Flowers for Grandma
-*Miss*-: May and Nick
-*Miss*-: 168. Hanging out poolside
-*Miss*-: Dad, grandma, mom
-*Miss*-: Grandkids and great grandkids
-*Miss*-: 164. Great grandma
-*Miss*-: Traci's Bridal Shower
-*Miss*-: Traci's Bridal Shower
-*Miss*-: Traci's Bridal Shower
-*Miss*-: Traci's Bridal Shower
-*Miss*-: Traci's Bridal Shower
-*Miss*-: 154. Stadium Lights
-*Miss*-: unicorn?
-*Miss*-: BBQ Master
-*Miss*-: Kyle's new tattoo
-*Miss*-: Hot tubbin'!
-*Miss*-: Kyle and Mike
-*Miss*-: 150. Dad's new haircut
-*Miss*-: He loves his iPhone
-*Miss*-: 120. Finally got his Baby Ruth for the 7th inning stretch