Melinda Szente: The snow began to fall again, drifting against the windows, politely begging entrance and then falling with disappointment to the ground.
Melinda Szente: The leaves are all falling like they're falling in love with the ground.
Melinda Szente: Autumn bokeh
Melinda Szente: So into the woods I go again...
Melinda Szente: If the path be beautiful, let us not ask where it leads.
Melinda Szente: Nature does not hurry, yet everything is accomplished.
Melinda Szente: A bug's life
Melinda Szente: It is almost impossible to watch a sunset and not dream.
Melinda Szente: On a hot summer day...
Melinda Szente: He will be our friend for always and always and always.
Melinda Szente: Walking away
Melinda Szente: Row, row, row your boat...
Melinda Szente: Where water meets land
Melinda Szente: Stay close to nature, it will never fail you.
Melinda Szente: Four wheels move the body, but two wheels move the soul.
Melinda Szente: 365 days / day 345 - Time spent waiting, is the hardest time of all.
Melinda Szente: 365 days / day 344 - Never stop exploring
Melinda Szente: 365 days / day 338 - Together is a wonderful place to be
Melinda Szente: 365 days / day 337 - Afternoon shopping
Melinda Szente: 365 days / day 336 - If not now, when?
Melinda Szente: 365 days / day 325 - Colourful tunes
Melinda Szente: 365 days / day 326 - Romance on the menu
Melinda Szente: 365 days / day 305 - One from the bottom, one from the top
Melinda Szente: 365 days / day 302 - Snowy path
Melinda Szente: 365 days / day 295 - Who's next?
Melinda Szente: 365 days / day 285 - I may have my head in the clouds, but I have my feet well set on the ground.
Melinda Szente: 365 days / day 283 - Beauty in the city
Melinda Szente: 365 days / day 263 - Hafnersteig/Griechengasse
Melinda Szente: 365 days / day 260 - Aligned
Melinda Szente: 365 days / day 258 - The blue hour