veloheart: I'm pretty sure it's beer o'clock...
veloheart: Eating breakfast in the secret garden. A view soon to be different as we deal with the monster grape that is choking out our maple (?) tree. It's pretty, but it's got to go.
veloheart: upload
veloheart: Can't wait to give this garden some love!
veloheart: upload
veloheart: upload
veloheart: Buzz.
veloheart: Good nights are made of this... Hope you all had a lovely day!
veloheart: The sky is so amazing right now!!
veloheart: Post storm.
veloheart: Love this. Happy creatures. #latergram #mural #pizzapizza
veloheart: My #farmerswife so far. 36 down, 75 to go!
veloheart: Happy Canada Day!
veloheart: The Farmer's Wife and I are hanging out this weekend. #farmerswife #fwq #59 #44 #97
veloheart: Ziggy-zaggy maxi. #vogue1352
veloheart: Hey! How cool is this!? Thanks @justabitfrayed ! Wow... 11,000. That's a lot o' fabric!
veloheart: Teeny tiny spider says hello.
veloheart: The service berries in the courtyard are nearly ripe! Delicious...if the cardinals leave me any!
veloheart: #stapledress photo shoot in the lobby at work. #morningamusement Thanks @kristalegault !!
veloheart: Close, but no cigar! Ah well, it will be tomorrow's victory! Happy Tuesday, everyone.
veloheart: It is 6:45. Think I can finish this #stapledress before I leave for work at 8:30??
veloheart: Happy Father's Day, Pops! I love you!!
veloheart: What do you think, #campstitchalot girls? Circle skirt??
veloheart: Time to cast on the left front! #oscillate
veloheart: Good morning, friends! This whole moving roller-coaster has made it a rough couple of weeks. Miss you all! Sharing the library book tote I made for my dad this morning. Lined in heavy canvas. Let's hope Canada Post can get it to BC in time! #lastminute
veloheart: Raspberry and banana 'ice cream' for breakfast. And now... Sewing!!
veloheart: Kaffe and I are riding the bus.
veloheart: Brrrrrr!! It's freezing out here!! ❄❄ #underdressed
veloheart: Good mail day!
veloheart: #stapledress win!! Thanks for such a great pattern @aprilarhodes !!