melijoh: DSCF0513
melijoh: DSCF0517
melijoh: DSCF0523
melijoh: early on
melijoh: waterfall across the canyon 1
melijoh: waterfall through the aspen
melijoh: the waterfall we crossed
melijoh: the clouds
melijoh: the big waterfall
melijoh: the big waterfall and the clouds
melijoh: first glimpse of the lake
melijoh: the clouds on the lake
melijoh: the end of the lake
melijoh: more clouds on the lake
melijoh: a bit of blue sky
melijoh: just before the rain
melijoh: in the clouds
melijoh: crossing the meadow
melijoh: alpine meadow
melijoh: The mountain
melijoh: 4 Mighty Ms
melijoh: The Mighty M's - Melinda x 3 and Mat