the boastful baker: 365.2.97 : I love, love, love purple irises.
the boastful baker: Rock walkway
the boastful baker: Fern and rocks.
the boastful baker: Don't know what these are.
the boastful baker: Bleeding Hearts
the boastful baker: Bleeding Hearts
the boastful baker: White bleeding hearts aren't so dramatic.
the boastful baker: Striped azaleas
the boastful baker: Joel in the Kinney Azalea Garden
the boastful baker: Oh, 50mm lens, I love you.
the boastful baker: Bacon & Cheddar Pizza
the boastful baker: More boats
the boastful baker: Water in Wickford
the boastful baker: Rocks in Wickford
the boastful baker: Wickford Shipyard
the boastful baker: Lobster pot
the boastful baker: Mmm...lobster.
the boastful baker: Sadly we did not eat any lobsters.
the boastful baker: Wickford, Rhode Island
the boastful baker: Church path