the boastful baker: Little bright orange striped purse
the boastful baker: I may have to keep this one for myself.
the boastful baker: 3 new felted bags
the boastful baker: Striped turquoise felted bag
the boastful baker: wavy purple felted bag
the boastful baker: C'est fini!
the boastful baker: Clapotis pictures
the boastful baker: Noro Kureyon Clapotis
the boastful baker: Another Noro Kureyon Clapotis
the boastful baker: Pretty mini Clapotis
the boastful baker: Lots of newly felted purses
the boastful baker: Kiwi green felted purse that I finished in 2006
the boastful baker: Fuschia purse I finished last year.