melfkin: scott on the porch
melfkin: the house
melfkin: cool lamp
melfkin: my home away from home
melfkin: ivy
melfkin: the yard
melfkin: moose and camp
melfkin: scott's yard
melfkin: the park
melfkin: the park
melfkin: mom and i
melfkin: mom and uncle
melfkin: sisters
melfkin: super cute-ness
melfkin: jessica flowers
melfkin: mike flowers
melfkin: flowers
melfkin: andy and caelan
melfkin: ohio landscape
melfkin: ohio landscape
melfkin: close up
melfkin: the cake set-up
melfkin: the cake
melfkin: the dance
melfkin: the dance
melfkin: bride and groom
melfkin: me and mom
melfkin: omohundros and family
melfkin: father of the bride
melfkin: me and my favorite little omohundro