melfkin: first of many cusquenas
melfkin: airport sleeping
melfkin: airport entertainment
melfkin: i feel so tall
melfkin: uros islands handiwork
melfkin: uros islands
melfkin: the reed boats are cool
melfkin: collecting reeds for island building
melfkin: kitchen of our host family
melfkin: officially in peru
melfkin: sunset on lake titicaca
melfkin: trying to blend with the locals
melfkin: dancing with the locals
melfkin: good tip
melfkin: cute key chain
melfkin: breaking bread
melfkin: famous stone in cusco
melfkin: a toxic what?
melfkin: want a pen?
melfkin: evening at sacsayhuaman
melfkin: rok at sacsayhuaman
melfkin: sacsayhuaman
melfkin: evening on plaza de armas in cusco
melfkin: greens restaurant in cusco
melfkin: street lights in cusco
melfkin: ollantaytambo
melfkin: incan carving at ollantaytambo
melfkin: cactus graffiti
melfkin: good luck bulls
melfkin: guinea pigs