melanie reyes photography: Bokeh - how it changes things.
melanie reyes photography: rain drop bokeh.
melanie reyes photography: HBW! prime real estate!
melanie reyes photography: {batman bokeh} HBW!
melanie reyes photography: {You're my Lifeline}
melanie reyes photography: {rain rain, here to stay}
melanie reyes photography: {popcorn trail}
melanie reyes photography: {christmas bokeh}
melanie reyes photography: {Do you see what I see?}
melanie reyes photography: {polkadotbokeh}
melanie reyes photography: {transform your world this Christmas}
melanie reyes photography: {my heart is in your hands}
melanie reyes photography: {Happy Picnic} HBW
melanie reyes photography: {sands of time}
melanie reyes photography: {Bokeh Wednesday gets Snatched}
melanie reyes photography: {Sunrisbokeh or Joebokeh}