A Darling Shot (crazy busy): close roses red back EDIT
A Darling Shot (crazy busy): fireplace line sketch colour roses black back
A Darling Shot (crazy busy): fireplace line sketch
A Darling Shot (crazy busy): bw roses one red
A Darling Shot (crazy busy): pink with one red
A Darling Shot (crazy busy): pumped up roses sketch red rose
A Darling Shot (crazy busy): pumped up roses sketch bw cool
A Darling Shot (crazy busy): pumped up roses sketch
A Darling Shot (crazy busy): red tea painted dark 2
A Darling Shot (crazy busy): HDR Tea and Roses
A Darling Shot (crazy busy): Happy Valentine's Day
A Darling Shot (crazy busy): Valentine's Roses
A Darling Shot (crazy busy): really funky gerbera_edited-3
A Darling Shot (crazy busy): gerberachalksmallfile
A Darling Shot (crazy busy): gerbera carnation