Melanie Sara: Mid week girl time was such fun that even now I'm still buzzing from it, I love being this way ;-)
Melanie Sara: Been a very busy girl mainly :-)xx
Melanie Sara: Wobbly redhead posing and feline outfit part one :-)x
Melanie Sara: So enjoyed wearing this new dress and feeling wonderfully feminine thanks for your messages likes faves comments and support it really means the world to me from such nice people :-)❤️❤️❤️
Melanie Sara: A very big :-) and Thank you to each and everyone who has kindly said nice things about my latest pictures.... I had the best time ever Melanie :-))x
Melanie Sara: Another from last week, old and new friends thank you :-)x
Melanie Sara: Lots more to come from me this year, I'm really trying hard to improve everything in my quest to be... Thanks all :-)xx
Melanie Sara: Final two from this set now hope I'm not boring you with how great my time was and these uploads.Again thanks go to people who take the time to say something nice or send me messages etc I had the most amazing time wearing this wonderful dress .:-)xx
Melanie Sara: New Melanie Revelation not Revolution.
Melanie Sara: Everything is... Roarsome in red. ;-)xx
Melanie Sara: I wasn't going to add any further shots!