melancholyellie: Hunter Games.
melancholyellie: Self portrait. In which I am 23.
melancholyellie: Echoes of a howl.
melancholyellie: II + III
melancholyellie: Black Widow.
melancholyellie: Daunting Fall.
melancholyellie: Self portrait, 2013.
melancholyellie: William.
melancholyellie: Ophelia.
melancholyellie: Observer.
melancholyellie: Class of '76.
melancholyellie: Belated.
melancholyellie: hope of things to come.
melancholyellie: treading water until the inevitable.
melancholyellie: our unknown depths.
melancholyellie: the great escape.
melancholyellie: freedom in the decay of propriety.