mark_thomas_jones: HDR of Blea Tarn
mark_thomas_jones: HDR of Blea Tarn (looking stormy)
mark_thomas_jones: HDR of Over Blea Moss and towards Birk Fell ( I think)
mark_thomas_jones: Waterfall into Piers Gill
mark_thomas_jones: Piers Gill North of Scafell Pike
mark_thomas_jones: Towards the top of Scafell Pike
mark_thomas_jones: Possibly Springkling or Styhead Tarn
mark_thomas_jones: You could see the background 5 seconds before...
mark_thomas_jones: Rough Crag South of Scafell Pike ( I think)
mark_thomas_jones: View back down towards the Great Moss
mark_thomas_jones: Sheep on the way to Broad Stand
mark_thomas_jones: Over the Great Moss towards Cringle Crags/Little Stand
mark_thomas_jones: Might be the Waterfalls near How Beck...
mark_thomas_jones: Great Moss towards Scafell Pike
mark_thomas_jones: The Great Moss
mark_thomas_jones: River Esk and Scar Lathing
mark_thomas_jones: He wanted food...
mark_thomas_jones: Valley leading to Lingcove Bridge
mark_thomas_jones: Scar Gill ( I think)
mark_thomas_jones: Walking up the River Esk Valley
mark_thomas_jones: The beginning of the walk to Scafell Pike
mark_thomas_jones: I climbed up this...