MEK40 (Fotodesign M. Heimann): Ente auf Kopfsteinpflaster
MEK40 (Fotodesign M. Heimann): Enten beim Tauchen
MEK40 (Fotodesign M. Heimann): Is there some one to eat???
MEK40 (Fotodesign M. Heimann): Duck with reflection
MEK40 (Fotodesign M. Heimann): the genuine duck star
MEK40 (Fotodesign M. Heimann): Mummy and 7 baby ducks
MEK40 (Fotodesign M. Heimann): It´s too hot, i go swimming
MEK40 (Fotodesign M. Heimann): Tick, Trick and Track on the Beach
MEK40 (Fotodesign M. Heimann): Goodbye Tick, Trick and Track