meiteoh: Passionfruit Mommy's Milk soap with strawberry seeds
meiteoh: After 22 hours of "bedding"
meiteoh: Fresh out of the mould
meiteoh: Grapefruit with vanilla oil soap curing
meiteoh: "Chocolate Marble Loaf" Soap: A look at the marbling/swirls
meiteoh: "Chocolate Marble Loaf" Soap: All cut up into bars and curing
meiteoh: "Chocolate Marble Loaf" Soap: Out of the mould
meiteoh: Kitchen Soap v1.0: Out of the mould
meiteoh: Kitchen Soap v1.0: Freshly cut bars
meiteoh: Kitchen Soap v1.0: Stacked bars
meiteoh: "Orange Vanilla Choco Terrine" Soap
meiteoh: "Orange Vanilla Choco Terrine" Soap: Cut bars
meiteoh: Savon: Getting ready for the all important lather test
meiteoh: Savon: Success!
meiteoh: Savon: Check out all that lather!
meiteoh: "Passion" Soap: Close-up
meiteoh: "Passion" Soap
meiteoh: aftermath
meiteoh: Triple Espresso Coffee Soap (Superfat)
meiteoh: Triple Espresso Coffee Soap (Superfat): Close-up
meiteoh: Tranquility: 1 hour after unmoulding
meiteoh: "Tranquility"
meiteoh: Tranquility: Close up
meiteoh: Tranquility: The side of the sliced bars
meiteoh: The overheated Spring Breeze - Inside
meiteoh: The overheated Spring Breeze
meiteoh: Bubkins
meiteoh: Spring Breeze v1.0
meiteoh: Review: Savon de Mika
meiteoh: Review: Savon de Mika