meiteoh: Noah @ Week 3
meiteoh: Noah @ Week 3
meiteoh: Noah @ Week 3
meiteoh: Noah @ Week 3
meiteoh: Noah @ Week 2
meiteoh: Liquid gold: Four days later
meiteoh: Liquid gold: On the 3rd day of exclusive pumping
meiteoh: Noah @ 35 weeks
meiteoh: The Moses basket setup
meiteoh: Snug as a bug
meiteoh: Eva saying hello to her little brother
meiteoh: Noah's homecoming angpow from my parents
meiteoh: Noah in his Grovia AIO newborn cloth diaper
meiteoh: Noah in his Rumparooz Lil Joey cloth diaper
meiteoh: Noah just a few days shy from his original due date
meiteoh: Cloth diapers: Tiny Fit Tot Bots & Best Bottom
meiteoh: Cloth diapers: Best Bottom
meiteoh: Cloth diapers: Tiny Fit Tot Bots
meiteoh: Cloth diapers: Rockin Road Pail Freshener
meiteoh: Babywearing: Noah in the stretchy wrap
meiteoh: Babywearing: Noah in my DIY mei tai
meiteoh: week03_c
meiteoh: week03_d
meiteoh: "Hehehehe."
meiteoh: "Oooooo...ladybug!"
meiteoh: "Yes?"
meiteoh: Staring at his new mobile
meiteoh: Noah's crib set-up
meiteoh: Having a go at his elephant rattle!
meiteoh: Noah in his playgym