meiteoh: spin_orange_second50
meiteoh: spin_orange_50gm
meiteoh: spin_orangesherbet
meiteoh: pink_2
meiteoh: pink_1
meiteoh: blue_skein_a
meiteoh: blue_skein
meiteoh: blue_3
meiteoh: blue_2
meiteoh: blue_1
meiteoh: Copy 2 of Picture(34)
meiteoh: Copy 1 of Picture(33)
meiteoh: spindle4
meiteoh: spindle3
meiteoh: spindle2
meiteoh: spindle1
meiteoh: The first handspun yarn...
meiteoh: The Baaa Spindle
meiteoh: The Baaa Spindle - Bird's eye view
meiteoh: Spinning up some Lime Spring
meiteoh: A single strand...
meiteoh: The two skeins of Orange Sherbet
meiteoh: Some Lime Spring...
meiteoh: Some Lime Spring singles
meiteoh: Paua shell spindle from BGD
meiteoh: The shell
meiteoh: Bottom whorl
meiteoh: Spinning up some Harvest II
meiteoh: Anyone up for some Sugar Pie?
meiteoh: The 1st batch of Harvest BFL in 2 ply