Ehsan Hoque: Hanging out at the MIT Media Lab (literally..)
Ehsan Hoque: Hanging out at the MIT Media Lab (literally..)
Ehsan Hoque: Massive power outage at MIT
Ehsan Hoque: Hurricane Sandy in Boston, Massachusetts
Ehsan Hoque: A closer look on the hurricane - Sandy
Ehsan Hoque: Incoming graduate students of MIT Media Lab, 2012.
Ehsan Hoque: Glaciers
Ehsan Hoque: Svartifoss waterfall
Ehsan Hoque: Many happy returns
Ehsan Hoque: Disabled? Or super-abled?
Ehsan Hoque: MIT Media Lab Inside Out 2012
Ehsan Hoque: Unique Iceland
Ehsan Hoque: Convergence
Ehsan Hoque: 4.333 Iceland
Ehsan Hoque: Rural Russia
Ehsan Hoque: The Kazan Kremlin
Ehsan Hoque: The Dancer
Ehsan Hoque: The Kazan Kremlin
Ehsan Hoque: Curious george
Ehsan Hoque: A smile is a language
Ehsan Hoque: Eiffel Tower
Ehsan Hoque: The Bubble of Paris!
Ehsan Hoque: Notre Dame de Paris
Ehsan Hoque: The "WALI Chronicles" draws to an end
Ehsan Hoque: Dancing says what words cannot
Ehsan Hoque: My library
Ehsan Hoque: When you are too young to Google
Ehsan Hoque: My parents pack up their troubles (ME)