mehjg: Sadie wants food
mehjg: Beau enjoying the sun
mehjg: Beau begging for food
mehjg: Cookout - chicken
mehjg: Cookout - fresh bread
mehjg: Cookout - onions and peppers
mehjg: Catamaran with canine
mehjg: Sandra takes a group photo
mehjg: We all scream for ice cream
mehjg: Dad is relaxed
mehjg: Beau is tired out
mehjg: Mom and Sadie
mehjg: Sadie in the sun
mehjg: If you take a photo I don't like
mehjg: Beau
mehjg: Dad and Terry sharing a laugh
mehjg: Beau kisses Sandra
mehjg: Beau at rest
mehjg: Self-portrait
mehjg: Around the table together
mehjg: Attempt at a group photo without a tripod
mehjg: Mom enjoys a bug-free afternoon
mehjg: Sandra, our host
mehjg: Beau gets his share
mehjg: Sing along with Sandra
mehjg: Sing along with Sandra
mehjg: Sandra and her Beau
mehjg: Beau breathes the afternoon air deeply
mehjg: Beau barks at the neighbors' dog