mehampson: Ladybug and ragweed
mehampson: Ragweed! Ahh choo! Don't grow it.
mehampson: it's a leaf
mehampson: mountain ash, buried
mehampson: concrete and leaves
mehampson: puddled
mehampson: sassafras
mehampson: undertree
mehampson: branch
mehampson: damn lefties
mehampson: rainy river
mehampson: flat path
mehampson: mushrooms
mehampson: tent caterpillar tent
mehampson: split
mehampson: torso
mehampson: it's all white
mehampson: it's all red
mehampson: heavy clouds
mehampson: little flowers
mehampson: false sunflower
mehampson: grass is many colors
mehampson: munch munch
mehampson: house sparrow
mehampson: delicious
mehampson: wet leaves
mehampson: maple leaves