Megan Lawrie Cole:
Toronto, Sept 2013: Lunch with Naomi, on a GREAT day.
Megan Lawrie Cole:
Vancouver, August 2012: I MET NATE! And I love Naomi.
Megan Lawrie Cole:
Naomi and the Pole
Megan Lawrie Cole:
Pole Dancing Ladies
Megan Lawrie Cole:
The Nomes - cute, but no buy
Megan Lawrie Cole:
Kensington Crue
Megan Lawrie Cole:
Nate and Naomi
Megan Lawrie Cole:
Same as 2006, 'cept different?
Megan Lawrie Cole:
Me and The Nomes.
Megan Lawrie Cole:
Oh, Naomi...