MeganMorris: Thank you Best Buy West Nashville for providing me with a Wii
MeganMorris: Wii!!!!!
MeganMorris: Gordo smells the Wii to make sure its authentic
MeganMorris: Gordo wants to play the Wii
MeganMorris: Opening the Wii box
MeganMorris: Unboxing the Wii
MeganMorris: Wii stuff, out of the first box
MeganMorris: The Wii came in one box with two smaller blue boxes holding all of its stuff
MeganMorris: Wii stand
MeganMorris: Unpacking the Wii
MeganMorris: Wii glory
MeganMorris: Wii and a bunch of crap it came with
MeganMorris: Wii remote
MeganMorris: BK helps take things out of the box
MeganMorris: Wii manuals, Wii Sports game, and cables
MeganMorris: Wii nunchuck
MeganMorris: Wii nunchuck
MeganMorris: Wii sensor bar
MeganMorris: Wii sensor and what appeared to be a mile of cable
MeganMorris: BK the helper
MeganMorris: BK helps Ian unpack the Wii parts
MeganMorris: Wii controller
MeganMorris: BK likes the boxes the Wii came in
MeganMorris: To help mount the Wii sensor to your TV
MeganMorris: Wii manuals and nunchuck
MeganMorris: Wii and BK's tail
MeganMorris: Gordo checks out the sixth video game console in the house