meghatron: fan_motor_mount_001
meghatron: Fan tests
meghatron: NRS drawing machine redesign
meghatron: draft model of neuroprosthetic device no. 1
meghatron: Palebirds [work-in-progress]
meghatron: Palebirds [work-in-progress]
meghatron: Palebirds [work-in-progress]
meghatron: Palebirds [work-in-progress]
meghatron: Palebirds [work-in-progress]
meghatron: Palebirds [work-in-progress]
meghatron: PreSonus settings (16 channel)
meghatron: BCI drawing machine prototype
meghatron: XBee on sparkfun shield
meghatron: Terminal communication with XBee
meghatron: CoolTerm
meghatron: bci-motor
meghatron: BlueTooth & Arudino
meghatron: Stepper Motor Driver Lab
meghatron: Stepper Motor Driver Lab: soldering
meghatron: DC motor lab
meghatron: DC motor lab
meghatron: H bridge
meghatron: six sensor supercollider
meghatron: Piezo Sensor
meghatron: Prototype setup for Karst
meghatron: Observer patch
meghatron: First Maxuino Project
meghatron: First Maxuino Project
meghatron: First Maxuino Project