Megalicious: April gets her hair trial
Megalicious: View from the back
Megalicious: Different style
Megalicious: back view of the second style
Megalicious: This is similar to what she ended up with.
Megalicious: The gwoom a few nights before the big day.
Megalicious: Shannon and Kelly (not her sister)
Megalicious: The blushing bride
Megalicious: Rev. Tim and April
Megalicious: The original DC Duo
Megalicious: So cute
Megalicious: Me and Tim
Megalicious: Why does he have to leave us?
Megalicious: there were lots of adult beverages that weekend
Megalicious: The girls get crafty
Megalicious: even Ivy
Megalicious: Miss Maid of Honor
Megalicious: The boys just sat around the suite (that's if they weren't trashing it)
Megalicious: I forgot my sweater and when I got locked out of the room I took photos of myself instead
Megalicious: Ivy brings the key.
Megalicious: Darlings
Megalicious: Shannon
Megalicious: The lovely table setting at the rehersal dinner
Megalicious: the happy couple
Megalicious: april the night before
Megalicious: October Pics 154
Megalicious: October Pics 157