Megalicious: Sarah and Liz waiting for These Charming Men to take the stage.
Megalicious: Morrissey
Megalicious: These Charming Men
Megalicious: Ladies go crazy.
Megalicious: Flowers are tossed and hurled onto the stage.
Megalicious: Sarah, Rishi, Jay
Megalicious: Retake
Megalicious: Me and Jay
Megalicious: Elvis Costello
Megalicious: What's so funny about peace, love and understanding?
Megalicious: Violent Feminists
Megalicious: Why can't I get just one kiss?
Megalicious: The boys go crazy for . .
Megalicious: Thin Lizzy
Megalicious: Rishi in Jamaroquoi pose.
Megalicious: 9 person band takes the stage
Megalicious: Jay Kay
Megalicious: its Jay Kay (well really it Robby Bobby)
Megalicious: with Thomas in the red pants
Megalicious: This boogie is for real.
Megalicious: Ivy - DANCE!!!
Megalicious: Virtual Insanity!
Megalicious: we all live underground