Meg Knodl: Milan Train Station
Meg Knodl: Kevin in front of Calatrava Bridge
Meg Knodl: Foggy Venice
Meg Knodl: Foggy day
Meg Knodl: Vaporetto to St. Mark's (Lagoon side)
Meg Knodl: Vaporetto to St. Mark's (Lagoon side)
Meg Knodl: Si Yes Ja Oui
Meg Knodl: Vaporetto to St. Mark's (Lagoon side)
Meg Knodl: Vaporetto to St. Mark's (Lagoon side)
Meg Knodl: Foggy Venetian arrival
Meg Knodl: Church with water lapping at the edge)
Meg Knodl: Hotel Paganelli
Meg Knodl: Hotel Paganelli
Meg Knodl: Venetian door
Meg Knodl: Venetian shopping
Meg Knodl: Shoes anyone?
Meg Knodl: Store sign
Meg Knodl: Flooding in Venice
Meg Knodl: Kevin plus camera
Meg Knodl: IMG_5460.JPG
Meg Knodl: IMG_5461.JPG
Meg Knodl: IMG_5462.JPG
Meg Knodl: IMG_5463.JPG
Meg Knodl: IMG_5464.JPG
Meg Knodl: IMG_5465.JPG
Meg Knodl: IMG_5466.JPG
Meg Knodl: IMG_5467.JPG
Meg Knodl: IMG_5468.JPG
Meg Knodl: IMG_5469.JPG
Meg Knodl: IMG_5470.JPG