Meg Knodl: Amsterdam asleep
Meg Knodl: Amsterdam asleep
Meg Knodl: chic and basic
Meg Knodl: Amsterdam Centraal Station
Meg Knodl: Flowers for Maurice and Mireille and my bags
Meg Knodl: Amsterdam Centraal Station
Meg Knodl: Bloemen
Meg Knodl: Crazy Crowds in Den Bosch
Meg Knodl: Mireille Maurice and Meg
Meg Knodl: Carnaval madness
Meg Knodl: Maurice and Mirielle
Meg Knodl: More Carnaval
Meg Knodl: Mireille and Meg
Meg Knodl: Fishing
Meg Knodl: Carnaval in Den Bosch
Meg Knodl: Carnaval in Den Bosch
Meg Knodl: Don't get confetti in my beer
Meg Knodl: Train
Meg Knodl: Carnaval in Den Bosch
Meg Knodl: New Patio/Shed
Meg Knodl: Sunsail
Meg Knodl: Kitchen
Meg Knodl: Dining Room
Meg Knodl: Living Room
Meg Knodl: Wood stove
Meg Knodl: Maurice and Mireille's Home Office
Meg Knodl: Mireille's beautiful Tulip vase from Maurice
Meg Knodl: Maurice and Mireille's Home Office
Meg Knodl: Mirielle and Marijolein
Meg Knodl: Ties