Megapixx~: Bohemian Waxwing
Megapixx~: Bohemian Waxwing
Megapixx~: Plump Bohemian Waxwing
Megapixx~: Look up....
Megapixx~: Bohemiem Waxwing 3
Megapixx~: Bohemian Waxwing 2
Megapixx~: Pine Siskin &Redpoll
Megapixx~: Stradding the branches Redpoll
Megapixx~: Pine Siskin?
Megapixx~: American Goldfinch?
Megapixx~: You little darling
Megapixx~: IMG_6985
Megapixx~: IMG_6950
Megapixx~: American Goldfinch
Megapixx~: IMG_6935
Megapixx~: Bohemian Waxwing 1
Megapixx~: Struttin his stuff
Megapixx~: Mouth full
Megapixx~: Mouth full
Megapixx~: All alone with all these berries....
Megapixx~: Bohemian Waxwing in Glovertown
Megapixx~: Duck in the lily pads
Megapixx~: IMG_6801
Megapixx~: IMG_6816
Megapixx~: IMG_6849
Megapixx~: IMG_6883
Megapixx~: IMG_6888
Megapixx~: IMG_6827
Megapixx~: IMG_6853
Megapixx~: IMG_6871