megan .: Mountain vista
megan .: Trekkers gear up at Km 82
megan .: Kilometre 82
megan .: Porters weigh-in
megan .: Guide Marcello explains our route
megan .: Crossing a bridge to begin the 4-day hike
megan .: Flowers on the trail
megan .: The views
megan .: Inca terraces
megan .: Inca ruins
megan .: Garlic bread for lunch
megan .: Sopa de verduras
megan .: Lunch on the first day of the trail
megan .: Coca tea
megan .: The view from the first campsite
megan .: My home for three nights
megan .: Setting out on day 2
megan .: The well-marked Inca Trail
megan .: Meeting locals on the trail
megan .: The steep ascent
megan .: Inca stairs
megan .: Taking a break
megan .: Heading into the clouds
megan .: The view from the top
megan .: Tired hikers rest at 4,200m
megan .: Dead Woman's Pass
megan .: A proud hiker
megan .: Beginning the agonising descent
megan .: View from the trail
megan .: The spider bite...