megan .: tree-lined avenues of Benares Hindu University
megan .: foggy day in Delhi
megan .: waiting for the train
megan .: Indian Railways
megan .: the ambassador
megan .: the hills
megan .: motel
megan .: getting her cowgirl on
megan .: curious cows
megan .: australia loves big things
megan .: the red ute
megan .: the long grass
megan .: the shearer's quarters
megan .: day 5: when we come to it
megan .: day 4 again: my travel buddy
megan .: day 4: our jeep
megan .: stand against that wall and look bored
megan .: day 3 kathmandu's monkey temple
megan .: day 2: breakfast over kathmandu
megan .: day 1: watching the board in bangkok
megan .: objects in mirror
megan .: yellow and pebbles
megan .: dude
megan .: my holga
megan .: autumn
megan .: lamp
megan .: washing