Megan Byrd: Chevy Bel Air.
Megan Byrd: The whitest clouds i've ever had the opportunity to shoot / fly through.
Megan Byrd: This isn't where my grandma lives, but it could have been.
Megan Byrd: Chicago Skyline
Megan Byrd: A Convincing Flight.
Megan Byrd: Cameron flying a kite on the beach
Megan Byrd: abandoned house marie
Megan Byrd: At least the Dewey Decimal System is universal...
Megan Byrd: Weeds.
Megan Byrd: Trapped.
Megan Byrd: Cotton Candy Sky...
Megan Byrd: Fujifinepix + snow + artificial lighting + long exposure + flash = <3
Megan Byrd: the end of my summer
Megan Byrd: Somewhere in between
Megan Byrd: running marie
Megan Byrd: Fresh Granny Smiths.
Megan Byrd: BAM.
Megan Byrd: You can see the shape of the world from up here (or it's the cheap plastic lens on my fuji)
Megan Byrd: Niagara Falls, Canadian Side
Megan Byrd: Storm Clouds.
Megan Byrd: 4 seconds, Dickens Street 2
Megan Byrd: An unfortunate view
Megan Byrd: ghost stephanie at school house
Megan Byrd: Hawaiian Dancers
Megan Byrd: sparklers galore
Megan Byrd: Unfortunately, our heads did not make it into this image.
Megan Byrd: Mushroom hunting
Megan Byrd: Tree Branch
Megan Byrd: Sunset on Hawaiian beach
Megan Byrd: Bumblebee and Sunflowers.