quadceratops: adult red-tailed hawk
Justin Snow: I finally have something to talk to the Jehovah's Witnesses about.
Justin Snow: Swampgazers
Justin Snow: High Gold
Justin Snow: Leaf lover
Justin Snow: #FridayNightsWithWinona
Justin Snow: Jehovah's Witnesses goin door to door and I go out to walk Winona with this dude on my shirt and I get the cold shoulder. What gives? #nonserviam
Justin Snow: old life motto / new work mug, thanks @enemieslist
travelingrhinos: Seriously, tonight's #sunset. #Lowell
quadceratops: Massachusetts Raptor Collage
Justin Snow: Never there
Justin Snow: What's the opposite of a bobble-head?
travelingrhinos: Heirloom #tomato studies. #watercolor #wip
travelingrhinos: My dad (far right) with his parents on his graduation day, 1971. Dunno who the guy on the left is. Tunghai University, Taichung, Taiwan. #TBT
Justin Snow: I am that shadow that thumps in the night.
Justin Snow: A clean litter box *and* a clean rug? She doesn't know what to do with herself.
SmithDryGoods: Just 10 more minutes... #Chestercat #faceplant #cat #tabby #Sunday
Justin Snow: food coma
Justin Snow: From uncontainable excitement upon my arrival to complete & utter zonkage on my lap in a matter of seconds.
Justin Snow: saw a li'l baby bunny yesterday
Justin Snow: I believe this would be a stingy thing eating a dead slimy thing's poop
Justin Snow: Elise was shitting all over every detail of my new Loss shirt but Winona and I won't take it, this shirt is the fuckin best.
Justin Snow: CatDog
travelingrhinos: Ogling & petting @cauchycomplete's quilts @gather_here. You should stop by & see them too! #love
Justin Snow: Full on hot dogs & ice cream and listening to the Twin Peaks Archives with this sleepy pup on my lap. #FridayNightsWithWinona
Justin Snow: Winona is super random about what she plays with and when so we never know what she likes. For example, we've had these toys about a week and she only just now started tossing one around. She's pretty fuckin weird sometimes.
travelingrhinos: My grandmother (center, seated beneath ceiling fan) at work at Taiwan Power Co. Taken 1950s or 60s? But she had five sons AND worked full time from the 40s on, which was extremely unusual in Taiwan at the time (and probably even now). #TBT
Justin Snow: new Gardner Museum mascot
travelingrhinos: Trying out #peach #galette today! Results later. #baking #hooraysummer