megamay: clearinghouse. 5/365.
megamay: halfway there. 4/365.
megamay: today, i was sick. 3/365.
megamay: up to my old tricks. 2/365.
megamay: trying to look on the bright side. 1/365.
megamay: judy impression. 6/365.
megamay: b positive, 7/365.
megamay: cooling out. 8/365.
megamay: recession, wha? 9/365.
megamay: losing battle, 10/365.
megamay: me & merle have an understanding. 11/365.
megamay: today i took a workshop with lotta jansdotter at bk museum. 12/365.
megamay: it took me hours of frustration & half a pizza to try to deal with this tree from hell. 13/365.
megamay: couch coveting. 14/365.
megamay: i had a few lovely friends over for yuletide tippling and snacks. 15/365.
megamay: tonight, we battled the elements and went uptown for a very east 90th street christmas. 18/365.
megamay: tonight, we ate too much, dressed alike & acted silly. 17/365.
megamay: tonight, we had our annual gift swap and the requisite too many drinks. 16/365.
megamay: yay for the mta. 19/365.
megamay: i wish LA was closer to new york. 20/365.
megamay: i can still give my mom a christmas present, in a way. 21/365
megamay: the hangover has won. 26/365.
megamay: like diplomats, the aftermath. 25/365.
megamay: christmas day w/the in-laws. 24/365.
megamay: christmas eve, hiding in someone else's bathroom. sans cigarette. 23/365.
megamay: holidays have been hard this year. 22/365.
megamay: i love mail from friends. 27/365.
megamay: last of the 365. 30/365.
megamay: 1st day of a new year and all is merrry & bright. 29/365.
megamay: ringing in 09 with a wondrous K9. 28/365.