megacrash: ferrari
megacrash: le tigra
megacrash: sydney cbd panorama cc
megacrash: sydney skyline
megacrash: the very last picture i shot with my d70
megacrash: blue steel
megacrash: meno szorfos nyul
megacrash: DSC_2496-2
megacrash: baba vámpír 2
megacrash: andy (ipc photosunday contest)
megacrash: egy érdekes expó
megacrash: hoth
megacrash: look, that cloud looks exactly like australia!
megacrash: balmoral bay 6am
megacrash: DSC_7978-7
megacrash: DSC_7952-6
megacrash: tiefenscharfe
megacrash: sunset2 + the presence
megacrash: attack of the 50ft woman
megacrash: wipeout
megacrash: lady in the water
megacrash: flare 2
megacrash: DSC_8566
megacrash: ellenfény
megacrash: DSC_8639
megacrash: nyugi
megacrash: rohan, cookie
megacrash: világítótorony az új objektívvel
megacrash: egy ilyet minden budapesti sofőr kocsijába!