Meg Pickard: Gelato on the beach at Hove - halfway through the 10k walk
Meg Pickard: Not yet, but soon...
Meg Pickard: During the great instagram blackout of 2012, we walked 10k down the Brighton & Hove seafront to raise money for the charity which is supporting Erin through her treatment for wonky hips
Meg Pickard: Finished
Meg Pickard: Siesta
Meg Pickard: Ready for Wimbledon. When she wakes up.
Meg Pickard: My lovely wife and I
Meg Pickard: Another in the series of scary drawings
Meg Pickard: Now that's what I call a good shopping list. And a good night in.
Meg Pickard: iPhone front camera works well as tummy time distraction toy
Meg Pickard: The prisoner plots her escape
Meg Pickard: She sleeps with the fishes
Meg Pickard: Cheeky & stripy: her father's daughter
Meg Pickard: Being introduced to Mnah-Mnah. Entranced.
Meg Pickard: Fifteen weeks, and a proper little charming, cheeky character
Meg Pickard: Don't be fooled - this was only a micronap
Meg Pickard: Someone is far too awake. Hint: it's not me.
Meg Pickard: Provence (near Croydon)
Meg Pickard: Greens
Meg Pickard: Stripes
Meg Pickard: A month ago, she was bald
Meg Pickard: You can say that again
Meg Pickard: Lurking in the foliage by the front door, next door's cat.
Meg Pickard: Erin drooling on her new bespoke dribble covers for the baby carrier straps, handmade by the lovely @paulineyau. Thank you!
Meg Pickard: Nothing says freshly-made bed like a cat claiming it