Meg Pickard:
Charity cake sale at Guardian towers solves my mid-afternoon snack conundrum
Meg Pickard:
Blackberry Victoria sponge
Meg Pickard:
Meg Pickard:
Independence vote would backfire
Meg Pickard:
Handing over - the master list
Meg Pickard:
By special request - display shelf thing propped on top of restored chest of drawers
Meg Pickard:
The fruits of our labour - old chest of drawers for nursery stripped, sanded and painted (knobs match fish motif on adjacent wall)
Meg Pickard:
Perfect weather for daft hats
Meg Pickard:
Not sure which is more offensive - bad apostrophes or bad kerning
Meg Pickard:
What's the collective noun for salty snacks?
Meg Pickard:
Testing the baby carrier sling thing with a rolled up pair of jeans. That's basically the same as a baby, right?
Meg Pickard:
Not mine, but I wish it was
Meg Pickard:
From the photo, it seems fairly clear the police should be looking for Bill Cosby/Cliff Huxtable
Meg Pickard:
Meg Pickard:
Beautifully packaged order from loveitloveitloveit (yes, organic babygros - they see people like me coming)
Meg Pickard:
Baked cheesecake and homemade lemon curd - my contribution to BYE feasting