Meg Pickard: Too late for breakfast, too early for elevenses. We need a new meal name.
Meg Pickard: Just realized that with everything that's been going on, we hadn't yet got a photo of the three of us. The midwife obliged at Erin's 12 day check. Yay little family!
Meg Pickard: Since there's no sign of this baby yet, I've started another stripy blanket crochet project. It's a race!
Meg Pickard: Little cyborg-doppler fella will listen to your baby's heartbeat and then assimilate you (both)
Meg Pickard: Sleepy skittle
Meg Pickard: Pram blanket complete!
Meg Pickard: Complete
Meg Pickard: 51 + 52
Meg Pickard: Work in progress
Meg Pickard: Happy March. This is going to be a good month.
Meg Pickard: Because more punctuation = better, right?!?!???!