Meg Pickard:
Can't I do both? Plan in advance and be flexible?
Meg Pickard:
I always struggle with this one
Meg Pickard:
If you have given me a business card in the last five years, consider yourself digitized
Meg Pickard:
Meg Pickard:
Me, in Folha de Sao Paulo
Meg Pickard:
Hotel view panorama
Meg Pickard:
Hotel view
Meg Pickard:
The journey begins
Meg Pickard:
Packed house for @pocketsteve & @iaindodsworth's lunchtime Twitter talk at @Guardian towers
Meg Pickard:
Meg Pickard:
Meg Pickard:
Meg Pickard:
My first crochet project: DONE
Meg Pickard:
At King's Cross, a king's cross
Meg Pickard:
28 News International staff
Meg Pickard:
Meg Pickard:
Can't wait
Meg Pickard:
I promise I'll post something other than cat photos soon. Maybe.
Meg Pickard:
Toad in the hole. Autumn is truly here.
Meg Pickard:
Enough, paparazzi
Meg Pickard:
"Oh and the air is full of falling stars, surrendered"
Meg Pickard:
"Always as if for the first time..."
Meg Pickard:
Cat says "less Internets, more attentions"
Meg Pickard:
The thin red line
Meg Pickard:
Coalition will not take back powers
Meg Pickard:
Assembling the fruits of my commute